
If you want to give feedback to a META-Health event, service or product, be it a testimonial or a complaint, you can do so via the online contact form on the right side of the screen, or you fill in the pdf form and send it by email to

Download Feedback Form

If your positive feedback may be used publicly and posted on the META-Health website, in newsletters and on social media channels, we will do so only with your prior consent and we will come back to you with the version we would like to publish.

If you have negative feedback, you can choose how it shall be used:
Either as a notice to META-Health International and the professional in question,
or as a formal complaint to META-Health International.

In the latter case you, or a person on your behalf (“proxy”), have to fill in and sign the pdf form. If it is signed by a proxy, a written power of authorization shall be attached to the email or letter you send it with.