Free webinar on thursday, 28 october 2021, at 20:00 CEST
with Jasmina Kovacev – META-Health Certification Trainer and EFT Master Trainer
We all know by now that our perception can trigger different biological programs. That is why everyone exposed to the same situation does not necessarily manifest a health issue, or they do not manifest the same health issue.
Individual perception is the key.
Why is it that two or more people exposed to the same situation have different perceptions?
The line of sensitivity is the key. It is our individual sensitivity that gets built over different levels, times, and dimensions.
Join us on a free webinar “Explaining contributors to your health through understanding the sensitivity line”. It is important to have a wider picture in order to successfully address any health condition.
Over two decades of using EFT and over a decade of using principles of META-Health, Jasmina came across some quite complex situations where understanding the line of sensitivity was the key. Let her present some cases from her practice so that you get a better understanding how this affects your or your client’s health.
This webinar is part of the International META-Health Pre-Convention 2021/22 series.
Reserve your seat now
Thursday, 28 october 2021, at 20:00 Central European Summer Time
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